Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled!
With their effective use of music, lights and sexual imagery, rock concerts can be as potent as any pagan rite. Religious organizations also acknowledge the value of ritualized worship - the use of candles, incense and symbols, and the hypnotic quality of prayer to create a sense of unity climaxed with the sharing of some form of sacrament - which is a theatrical and potentially transforming as any magical ceremony. - Paul Roland

Robert George

Staff writer for Newt Gingrich.

Robert George
Robert George Confirms Newt Gingrich Speech At Bohemian Grove
When asked about the contents or a transcript of a speech given by then House Speaker Gingrich his staff writer Robert George responded “I’m sorry - We do not have a copy of that speech, and it will not be transcribed ... The Bohemian Grove events are basically private functions”.
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