Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled!
I think the press was muzzled, and I think the press self-muzzled. I'm sorry to say, but certainly television and, perhaps, to a certain extent, my station was intimidated by the administration and its foot soldiers at Fox News. And it did, in fact, put a climate of fear and self-censorship, in my view, in terms of the kind of broadcast work we did - Christiane Amanpour

Council on Foreign Relations

Globalist think-tank that most politicians belong to.

Council on Foreign Relations
VBIQVE or UBIQUE as in UBIQUE PATRIAE MEMOR is Latin for Everywhere or On All SidesVBIQVE or UBIQUE as in UBIQUE PATRIAE MEMOR is Latin for Everywhere or On All Sides


Richard Bruce Cheney - Director
Cheney’s first time to sit as a Director of the CFR.
Richard Bruce Cheney - Director
This was Cheney’s second time being a Director of the CFR.
David Rockefeller - Director
David Rockefeller - Chairmen of the Board
Isaiah Bowman - Director
Edward Mandell House - Founder
Retired 1938-03-28
Richard Duane Warren - Member
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