Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled!
When the business interests, lead by William C. Whitney, pushed through the first instalment of civil service reform in 1883, <strong>they expected that they would be able to control both political parties equally. Indeed, some of them intended to contribute to both and allow an alternation of the two parties in public office in order to conceal their own influence, inhibit any exhibition of independence by politicians, and allow the electorate to believe that they were exercising their own free choice.</strong> - Carroll Quigley


Annual meeting of a couple hundred of the most powerful media, bankers, corporation heads, and government officials meet at a hotel (depending on location) and meet behind closed doors, and the only information that is gleaned from the meeting is from moles on the inside.

Rick Perry Violates Logan Act To Attend Bilderberg
Started 2007-05-31Ended 2007-06-03
Rick Perry violates Logan act to attend the Bilderberg group in Istanbul Turkey. Robert Black (Perry’s press secretary) commented on the ordeal about Perry illegally attending the secret meeting with this statement “It’s their conference, and I suppose they can run it anyway they want. The governor was honored that they would ask him to come speak on the American experience, and he’s happy to do it.”
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