Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled!
I regard Henry Ford as my inspiration. - Adolf Hitler


Energy company that manipulated futures of worthless assets, and robbed it’s employees blind when it when under.

Desolved 2001-12-02
Perry Appoints Enron Lackey To Public Utilities Chairman And Receives $25,000 Contribution From Enron
Rick Perry appointed Enron executive Max Yzaguirre to the position of Texas Public Utilities Chairman. The day after the appointment Perry received a $25,000 contribution from the Ken Lay the CEO of Enron. This gave Enron a key position in the deregulation of Texas energy that was passed in July 2002 (right on the heals of Yzaguirre’s entry to his post). Yzaguirre did not fully disclose that he was a former Enron Vice President to the public until November 15. With the timely $25,000 contribution to Perry it seems he would be well informed of Yzaguirre’s previous position with Enron. According to Texas law it is illegal to appoint anyone to this office if they had served as an executive at any energy company in the past two years - therefor this appointment was breach of law.

Texas Utilities Code - Section 12.053. Membership Qualifications: A person is not eligible for appointment as a commissioner if the person: (1) at any time during the two years preceding appointment: (A) personally served as an officer, director, owner, employee, partner, or legal representative of a public utility, affiliate, or direct competitor of a public utility; or (B) owned or controlled, directly or indirectly, stocks or bonds of any class with a value of $10,000 or more in a public utility, affiliate, or direct competitor of a public utility;
Perry Receives $200,000 From Enron
In his 2002 gubernatorial race Perry received $200 thousand dollars from Enron. Not long after Perry received the money Enron collapsed. After five months of calls for him to return the money he returned $85 thousand stating the rest had already been spent.
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