Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled!
We have wonderful new races of horses, cows, and pigs. Why should we not have a new and improved race of men? - John Harvey Kellogg

Seymour Hersh

investigative journalist and author.

Seymour Hersh
Birth 1937-04-08
I’ve given up being disillusioned about the CIA, They’re trained to lie, period. They will lie to their president, they will lie certainly to the Congress, and they will lie to the American people. That’s all there is to it.
Cheney’s Iran PT Boat False Flag Idea
Seymour Hersh setting in on a meeting with Dick Cheney said that the Vice President proposed a false flag to get us into a war with Iran. The idea was that the United States would create 4 to 5 Iran PT boats, load them up with Navy SEALS and a lot of arms -- and then the next time one of our boats goes through the straights of vermouth start a shoot up.
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