Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled!
The camp [Bohemian Grove] is a saturnalia of juvenilia, with a lot of old white rich guys running around naked and in sheets, costumed as Druids. They drink dawn-to-dusk gin fizzes, relieve themselves on redwoods and put on theatricals where they dress up like women. - Maureen Dowd

Gregor Strasser

Early leader of the Nazi party, he was was a socialist leaning member of the group and was kicked out of the party by Hitler.

Gregor Strasser
Birth 1892-05-31Death 1934-06-30
Hitler Expels Gregor Strasser From The Nazi Party
Started 1932-12-07Ended 1932-12-07
In a seeming act of jealousy Hitler kicks Gregor Strasser out of the Nazi Party. Strasser was offered a cabinet position (something that would normally be given to the party leader i.e. Hitler) by then chancellor von Schleicher. This was an intentional move by the chancellor to destabilize the Nazi Party.
Göbbels Joins The Nazi Party
Highered by the Strasser brothers he takes a job with the Nazi party as a writer / editorial assistant.
Gregor Strasser Shot To Death In A Prison Cell
Started 1934-06-30Ended 1934-06-30
Strasser is placed under arrest in front of his family, and taken to a local jail. There the SS men that arrested him placed him in a cell where they began shooting him. A major artery was ruptured and he bled out

Heydrich was at the prison watching it happen where he made a snide comment about letting the pig bleed to death.
Gerd Voss Murdered By Nazis
Started 1934-06-30Ended 1934-06-30
For being Gregor Strasser’s lawyer Gerd Voss was murdered.


Nazi Party - National Socialist German Workers’ Party - Head of Propaganda
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