Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled!
The existence of a conspiracy for the destruction of the Western world as the prelude for shepherding mankind into a sheep’s pen as a prelude to One World tyranny. - Arthur Kenneth Chesterton

Victor Ashe

Career politician, Yale buddy with George W. Bush.
Victor Ashe
Birth 1945-01-01
Leola McConnell Claims Bush And Ashe Are Gay In Book
Started 2007-07-06Ended 2007-07-06
McConnell writes a book “Lustful Utterances” that states: “In 1984 I watched George W. Bush enthusiastically and expertly perform a homosexual act on another man, one Victor Ashe,” “Ashe is the current U.S. ambassador to Poland; and he too should come out, like former New Jersey Gov. James McGreevy, and admit to being a gay American.” “Other homo-erotic acts were also performed by then-private citizen George W. Bush. I know this because I performed one of them on him myself.”
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