Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled!
The affirmative task we have now is to actually create a <strong>New World Order</strong>, because the global order is changing again, and the institutions and the rules that worked so well in the post world war II era for decades need to be strengthened and some have to be changed. - Joseph Biden

Leola McConnell

Prostitute, Dominatrix

Leola McConnell
Leola McConnell Claims Bush And Ashe Are Gay In Book
Started 2007-07-06Ended 2007-07-06
McConnell writes a book “Lustful Utterances” that states: “In 1984 I watched George W. Bush enthusiastically and expertly perform a homosexual act on another man, one Victor Ashe,” “Ashe is the current U.S. ambassador to Poland; and he too should come out, like former New Jersey Gov. James McGreevy, and admit to being a gay American.” “Other homo-erotic acts were also performed by then-private citizen George W. Bush. I know this because I performed one of them on him myself.”
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