Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled!
Immigration restriction is a species of segregation on a large scale, by which inferior stocks can be prevented from both diluting and supplanting good stocks. Just as we isolate bacterial invasions, and starve out the bacteria by limiting the area and amount of their food-supply, so we can compel an inferior race to remain in its native habitat, where its own multiplication in a limited area, as with all organisms, eventually limit its numbers and therefore its influence. - Lothrop Stoddard

Ulrich von Hassell

German ambassador to Italy. Was involved in the July 20 plot to assassinate Hitler.

Ulrich von Hassell
Birth 1881-11-12Death 1944-09-08
Czech President Would Stand By Polish Invasion Of Nazi Germany
Started 1933-04-22Ended 1933-04-22
In a cable sent from von Hassell to von Neurath and von Hindenburg he stats that reliable sources close to Czech President Masaryk had stated that he would support Poland if they decided for a preemptive war against Germany.
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