Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled!
Through State Life Insurance, the whole population might be brought under government medical supervision. By periodical examinations the early beginnings of chronic diseases might be detected and thus arrested by timely instruction in regard to necessary changes in habits or occupations and every such case would be come an object lesson by means of which relatives and friends should be influenced to adopt preventives in time to avoid the same maladies. - John Harvey Kellogg


Country the United States uses for black site torture confessions.

CIA Iraq - al-Qaeda Connection Intelligence Was From Foreigners In Egypt
Lawrence Wilkerson states that in 2004 he found out that the confession under threat of torture from Ibn al-Sheikh al-Libi was preformed in Egypt with no US intelligence to backup that it even happened. So the intelligence that led the United States to war with Iraq under George W. Bush was preformed with no US officers as witnesses to the confession. Also the torture preformed in this foreign country did not fit under the treaty of the Geneva Convention.
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