Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled!
If one can approach this collective thought-form with love, without fear, then one can go beyond this shadow and see the true angel of light [Lucifer] that is there seeking to bring light to man's inner world. - David Spangler

Drug Enforcement Agency

Drug Enforcement Agency
Drug Enforcement Agency
Founded 1973-07-01
White House Claims 911 Terrorists Had Top-Secret Codes For Air Force One and Nine Other Ag
Started 2001-09-11Ended 2001-09-27
In an Debka news article that reads like a bad 007 fiction novel they state that the 911 Terrorists had top-secret codes that allowed them to know where air-force one was, and decode it’s incoming and outgoing transmissions. The U.S. government also thinks that the hijackers had access to codes of the National Security Agency, Drug Enforcement Agency, National Reconnaissance Office, Air Force Intelligence, Army Intelligence, Naval Intelligence, Marine Corpse Intelligence, the State Department, and the Department of Energy.
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