Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled!
The terrorists only have to be right once, and we have to be right 100% of the time. That’s an unfair fight. I do think terrorist efforts have been weakened. The organization that did 9/11 — that Al Qaeda — I don’t think really exists, but it’s still dangerous because it’s more atomized — small groups of terrorists who one day probably will get lucky. - Condoleezza Rice

White House

Mouth piece website for the Executive branch of government.

White House
White House Claims 911 Terrorists Had Top-Secret Codes For Air Force One and Nine Other Ag
Started 2001-09-11Ended 2001-09-27
In an Debka news article that reads like a bad 007 fiction novel they state that the 911 Terrorists had top-secret codes that allowed them to know where air-force one was, and decode it’s incoming and outgoing transmissions. The U.S. government also thinks that the hijackers had access to codes of the National Security Agency, Drug Enforcement Agency, National Reconnaissance Office, Air Force Intelligence, Army Intelligence, Naval Intelligence, Marine Corpse Intelligence, the State Department, and the Department of Energy.
White House Had a “Misunderstanding” About Air Force One Threat (It Never Happened)
Started 2001-09-27Ended 2001-09-27
The threat from the 911 hijackers having top-secret codes and sending an encoded message to Air force One stating “Angel being next” never happened. It took the Bush administration two weeks to admit they were wrong about the threats.
White House Anti-Aircraft Battery And Black Hawk Put On Alert For Fast Moving Cloud
Started 2005-04-28Ended 2005-04-28
When a fast moving cloud was spotted on radar Bush was taken to a bunker under the White House, and Cheney was taken to an undisclosed location.

The anti-aircraft battery was put on ready status, and a Black Hawk helicopter was dispatched to check out the cloud which turned out just to be a cloud.

The alert lasted about twenty minutes and then the president and vice-president were released from their safe places.
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