Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled!
It [the Great Depression] was not accidental. It was a carefully contrived occurrence. The international bankers sought to bring about a condition of despair so that they might emerge the rulers of us all. - Louis Thomas McFadden

Paul Joseph Göbbels

The propaganda expert of the Nazi party.

Paul Joseph Göbbels
Birth 1897-10-29Death 1945-05-01
unknown date
Who is this man [Hitler]? half plebeian, half god! Truly Christ, or only st John?
Göbbels Contracts Polio Which Leaves Him Crippled
At the age of four Göbbels gets polio (Poliomyelitis) which causes his left leg to be shorter than the other, and keeps him at the 5 foot 100 pound range in his adult life.
Göbbels Receives Doctorates Degree In Philosophy
Göbbels received a doctorate in philosophy from the University of Heidelberg.
Göbbels Joins The Nazi Party
Highered by the Strasser brothers he takes a job with the Nazi party as a writer / editorial assistant.
Nazi Book Burnings
Started 1933-05-10Ended 1933-05-10
Once the Nazis came to power Göbbels decided which writings were for the good for the people of Germany and unleashed Nazi forces to go through libraries and personal collections to choose which books should stay, and burn the rest.
Göbbels’ Secret Meetings With Rohm
Just a week before the Night of the Long Knives Göbbels had meetings with SA leader Ernst Rohm. It is unclear what these meetings were about but researcher Paul R. Maracin suggests that this could have been Göbbels trying to position him self to be on the winning side forseeing the coming battle between Hitler and Rohm.
Joseph Göbbels and Wife Murder Their Children and Then Commit Suicide
Started 1945-05-01Ended 1945-05-01
Rather than surrender Göbbels and his wife commit themselves to a suicide pact. Göbbels’ wife poisons their five girls and one boy. Then Göbbels’ wife bites into a cyanide pill, and he shoots him self like Hitler in the side of the head.
Hitler and Göbbels Meet and Plan Anti-Jewish Boycott In Response Nazi Germany Boycott
Started 1933-03-26Ended 1933-03-26
In response to the Madison Square Garden boycott lead by Rabbi Wise to be held the next day - Hitler and Göbbels decide to have a counter boycott against German Jews.
Hitler Gives The Go-Ahead To Start Boycott Against German-Jews
Started 1933-03-27Ended 1933-03-27
Hitler approved a proposition by Göbbels to start a boycott against the German Jews in-response to the Madison Square Garden anti-Nazi boycott / protest to happen later that day.
Assassination of Ernst vom Rath By Herschel Grynszpan
Started 1938-11-07Ended 1938-11-09
Angry about the deportation of his family out of Germany back to Poland Grynszpan shot vom Rath who died of his wounds two days later.

When vom Rath died Göbbels politicized his death, and with Hitler’s approval unleashed the Nazi SA upon the German Jew population in a pogrom known as Kristallnacht or the ’Night of Broken Glass’.
Nazi Pogrom “Night of Broken Glass”
Started 1938-11-09Ended 1938-11-09
In response to the death of Ernst vom Rath (whom had been shot two days earlier by Polish Jew Herschel Grynszpan) Göbbels approached Hitler to get approval to unleash an attack on German Jews.

With Hitler’s approval the SA was sent out to beat German Jews, and break the windows out of Jew’s houses and businesses. German Jews were also murdered this night.


Nazi Party - National Socialist German Workers’ Party - Gauleiter
District Leader of Berlin.
Der Angriff - Founder
Reichstag - Deputy
Nazi Party - National Socialist German Workers’ Party - Head of Propaganda
Nazi Party - National Socialist German Workers’ Party - Minister for Propaganda and Public Enlightenment
Initiated 1933-03-14
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